Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ranger Hawk blog

Hey, so after a lot of fiddling around on Blogger, I finally exported my Ranger Hawk blog so that now when I sign in, it's with my Google account instead of my Yahoo account. You'd think that Blogger would make it easier to change the sign-in email...oh well, anyways, here's the link for my personal blog: Ranger Hawk

Friday, March 20, 2009

Woot! =D

All right, well Finals are done and I scored 100% on the Excel quiz, where I had to use the spreadsheet and figure out the total values, averages, etc. And I thought that was the part I was going to be worst at! I got like 71/78 points I think on the other quiz, and the documents I created still have to be graded...but I'm so thankful it went well!!!
Looking forward to Spring break! =D

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Week 10

Well, this is it, the last week of winter term. I can't believe that it's done already; it just flew by! I learned so much in class, I'm really glad I took it. Hopefully now I'll be able to utilize Word to its fullest extent, and be able to work with Excel really well. Before taking this class, I had no idea what Excel even was--I think I opened the program once, saw the spreadsheet and cells, and instantly closed it. Now I'm feeling a lot more confident with it, and hopefully the Finals exam will go well, which is next Friday!

I'm really nervous about it, and am going to study study study! I should do well on the quiz portion, they're all questions I've already gotten from both the pop quizzes and the review questions from the textbook. The portion with the Word document should also go fairly well I hope; so Excel's the only one I'm really stressing about, and it's mainly just figuring out how to set up the equations for the questions...I'm not very good at that.

In the tech world, there was a survey taken of students, which had them listening to different types of music in different formats. There was an MP3 compressed type, and another one that was of a higher sound quality. Surprisingly, the majority preferred the MP3's sound, because it's something that they're used to. It would be very interesting to take that test and see which one I would choose.
MP3 sounds

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Week 9

Well Week 9 is almost done, then we have one more week and then it's Finals week. It's hard to believe that the term has gone by so quickly. I've learned so much in this class, it's been awesome.
This is something random that I don't think I've ever mentioned before, but on the other wall across from where I sit there are some beautiful horse pictures. One's got a whole herd of whitish horses galloping from the sea, and another one has the silhouette of an Arabian's head and the Arabian itself galloping...I wonder how I could get those into my room...hehe.
We did a lot more in Excel, and I'm not doing so well figuring out just what formulas I need to enter to calculate a problem. I hope Finals go well in that respect...and I've been having a lot of fun with PowerPoint, it is so awesome!

In the news, Facebook has been making some changes to keep up with their competition, Twitter. I don't know much about Twitter, but I've been trying to convince my parents to let me get a Facebook...anyways, some of the changes are that when you update your profile, it automatically updates on your friends' pages, and you can have an unlimited number of friends...yeah, sounds really cool.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Week 8

Week 8 has gone by really quickly! We had quizzes on Monday and Wednesday, and to my surprise I scored 100% on them both! =D I've definitely become a lot more comfortable with using Excel, because prior to this class I've never used it before. I think it's safe to say that I've really grasped the concept of relative and absolute references, something I wish I could say about stoichiometry and the mole of chemistry... =P

Anyways, in the news today, I found something that said that there's actually a type of skin disorder that comes from playing video games! When someone grips the controller really tightly, and also sweats due to the tension of the game, they can get really painful sores all over their hands. I do that a lot...haha, not really something to tell my mom about. ;-)
PlayStation palmar hidradenitis

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 7

This week we did a lot in Excel. I've never really used Excel before, so this is basically all new to me. I've been enjoying it, and I finally understand the concept of relative and absolute references.

I also got a Gmail account, and I love the chat! I've been able to talk with my friends a lot, and it's like having a phone conversation, only you type instead of speak.

In the news world, there has been a delay in the domain name change that ICANN was going to have. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers say that they're going to let people purchase their own domain names (instead of the usual .com, .net, etc.). They're having to figure out some issues regarding that, so the date has been pushed to possibly the end of this year.
Domain name

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 6

Well Week 6 and the midterms are done. I was really nervous and studied like crazy for them. There were two parts to it, the first half was a quiz, which had review questions from the textbook and questions from our pop quizzes, and the second half was formatting a document (paragraphs, indents, images, etc.). I got a hundred percent on the quiz portion (yay!), and hopefully I did well on the document part. I got stuck a couple of times during it, mainly because I haven't spent a lot of time in Word (since I don't have the program on my computer; I'm only able to do my homework by having my mom drop me off at the computer labs at the college).

It looks like Windows 7 is getting close to its release, and it may be coming out in 2009. It sounds like a lot of people are liking it more than Vista, but I found it interesting how they had had people use the Vista software (calling it something else) and then got the feedback, and it was all positive! I personally like the format of Windows XP Home Edition, which is what we have on our computer, but I will use anything that's faster!
Windows 7 update