Thursday, February 12, 2009

Week 6

Well Week 6 and the midterms are done. I was really nervous and studied like crazy for them. There were two parts to it, the first half was a quiz, which had review questions from the textbook and questions from our pop quizzes, and the second half was formatting a document (paragraphs, indents, images, etc.). I got a hundred percent on the quiz portion (yay!), and hopefully I did well on the document part. I got stuck a couple of times during it, mainly because I haven't spent a lot of time in Word (since I don't have the program on my computer; I'm only able to do my homework by having my mom drop me off at the computer labs at the college).

It looks like Windows 7 is getting close to its release, and it may be coming out in 2009. It sounds like a lot of people are liking it more than Vista, but I found it interesting how they had had people use the Vista software (calling it something else) and then got the feedback, and it was all positive! I personally like the format of Windows XP Home Edition, which is what we have on our computer, but I will use anything that's faster!
Windows 7 update

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