Thursday, January 29, 2009

Week 4

Week 4 has come and gone really quickly! We learned about IP addresses, and how they're converted from text (like what we type in) into an IP address that the computer reads and understands and uses to find the webpage you're looking for. I'm so thankful we don't have to remember the IP addresses, which are a bunch of numbers! I think I'd memorize Google's IP address and use it to find everything else.
Speaking of Google, apparently they've made it so that people can access their Gmail accounts offline, for those times when the Internet just doesn't work and you just have to read your emails; I've certainly had plenty of those moments! You can view your messages, but can't send them; they get placed in the Outbox and are sent as soon as an Internet connection is detected by the device, whether phone or computer. It's definitely a feature I'll use in the future.
Here's the link to an article about it: Gmail

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