Thursday, January 15, 2009

Week 2

This week went well, we learned a lot about bits and bytes in class on Monday, I learned so much! We also worked with virtual calendars, and I found out that Google has a calendar that I can access, even though I use my Yahoo email account. In the textbook we're using I learned a lot about the processor and how that operates, and what exactly a Hard Drive Disk is, I've always wondered.

I also learned a lot about MP3, I didn't know that they were actually compressed music files! Apparently, they remove sounds that the human ear can't hear, thus compacting the size, so the sound quality isn't as good as it is on a CD. Fascinating!

I found something about video games (yes, I do get obsessed with them), apparently the Wii system is the most popular this year, along with the Nintendo DS. We have a Wii, along with several games for it, including Wii Play, which was mentioned in the article. PlayStation 3 wasn't quite as popular, and there's no mention of the PSP (PlayStation Portable), which is what I got for Christmas. The PSP isn't as popular as I expected and sadly I haven't found another PSP owner with whom I can play games with through an Internet connection.
Oops, I somehow made the tech part about me...hehe, well here's a link to the article:
Video games

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