Thursday, January 22, 2009

Week 3

Well, week 3 went by pretty quickly! We didn't have any class on Monday due to MLK day, and Wednesday was powerpacked! We learned about the Hard drive, CPU, and RAM, and how those work together in a computer. I have to admit that it was somewhat confusing, but I think I understand the concept now: the CPU is what makes the whole computer work. It gets its instructions from the Hard drive, which is for memory. The RAM is also for memory, but it's only temporary storage, and thus works much faster. When the CPU boots up, it needs instructions from the HD to be able to function. However, it can't read the HD instructions because it doesn't "know" how. Something called a BIOS instructs the CPU in how to read the instructions, and then it can start working. At least that's what I think. I'll check all of my notes again to make sure I understand it.

President Obama has kept his Blackberry, which is pretty cool! He's using it to email and text people; which is something I don't even know how to do! I didn't realize how dangerous it could be, though; hackers can pinpoint his location through the device, although how they'd do that I have no idea.
President's BlackBerry


  1. ya,my dad has a blackberry storm, its pretty cool

  2. Sweet, no one I know has a Blackberry, but I've heard they're pretty cool, I'll have to look into them some more.
